3 Financial Things To Do Right Now Before March 1st of The New Year
Here is my Top 3 to do list for the new year. 1) BUY/REVIEW YOUR LIFE INSURANCE. Do you have children and/or a spouse who depend on your...
Social Security Options in Florida - Is a Lump-Sum Social Security Payment Right For You?
As an individual nearing 70, you’ve intended to delay your Social Security benefits until the decade comes. But in some cases, there are...
You Just Inherited a Substantial Amount of Money in Florida. Now What?
Wise decisions can make all of the difference Did you recently inherit a significant amount of money or assets from a parent, grandparent...
Starting a Roth IRA in Tampa Bay for a Child or Grandchild
This early financial decision could prove profoundly positive over time. Do you have a child or grandchild earning some income?...
The Annuity Date or Maturity Date
An annuity contract's maturity date or annuity date is the most misunderstood contract provision. Originally posted by Gary Spicuzza on...
The Different Types of IRAs for Retirement Savers in Palm Harbor Florida
This popular retirement savings vehicle comes in several varieties. What don’t you know? Many Americans know about Roth and traditional...
72(t) Distributions: Early Withdrawals From Retirement Accounts for Tampa Bay Investors
Sometimes you can take penalty-free early withdrawals from retirement accounts. Do you need to access your retirement money early? Maybe...
Set Goals as You Save For Retirement
Turn your intent into a commitment. Goals give you focus. To find and establish your investing and saving goals, first ask yourself what...
Will Florida Teachers Get the Retirement They Deserve?
Classroom educators are coping with hybrid plans and pension fund shortfalls. Arizona. Kentucky. Massachusetts. Michigan. Pennsylvania....
TSP Withdrawal Options Are Changing for Florida Residents
New rules could soon mean more flexibility. By 2020, federal employees with Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) accounts should have new withdrawal...