3 Financial Things To Do Right Now Before March 1st of The New Year
Here is my Top 3 to do list for the new year. 1) BUY/REVIEW YOUR LIFE INSURANCE. Do you have children and/or a spouse who depend on your...
College Funding Options for Florida Residents
You can plan to meet the costs through a variety of methods. How can you cover your child’s future college costs? Saving early (and...
Set Goals as You Save For Retirement
Turn your intent into a commitment. Goals give you focus. To find and establish your investing and saving goals, first ask yourself what...
Tampa Bay Professionals Must Manage Lifestyle Creep
Sometimes more money can mean more problems. “Lifestyle creep” is an unusual phrase describing an all-too-common problem: the more money...
How To Manage Student Loan Debt
A review of some options for federal and private loans. Are you dealing with student loan debt? Have you explored ways to try and...
Top 10 Bad Money Habits to Break in 2018
Behaviors worth changing for the New Year. Do bad money habits constrain your financial progress? Many people fall into the same...
Do You Have Enough in Reserve for 2018?
Build your emergency fund this year. How much does the average American household have in the bank? Estimates vary, but the short answer...
Money Moves to Make Before the End of the Year
Here are some things you might want to do before saying goodbye to 2017. What has changed for you in 2017? Did you start a new job or...
Getting Married? Here are Some Good Financial Steps to Take
If you’re going to say “I do,” here are some things you might want to do. Are you marrying soon? Have you recently married? As you begin...
Is Your Family Covered with Life Insurance?
Too many Americans have no life insurance. Their loved ones may pay dearly for that choice. September is National Life Insurance...